
Using Your Gifts in Your Tribe 

 April 1, 2019

Everyone has something positive to bring to a group. Even if you are the most insecure person, God has given you some kind of gift that will bring help and joy to others. Using your gifts for the benefit of your close friends will make those friendships thrive and make them last for many years!


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How You Can Use Your Gifts

Chances are you have some friends that you go to every time you have a problem or just need a shoulder to lean on. Chances are that the friend you go to is a good listener. You might not even realize that that is the quality you value in them the most when you think about their positive traits. 

It took me a while to figure out that one of the best things I can bring to a friendship is my ability to listen. This was brought home to me not too long ago. I was having a lengthy discussion with a friend about some serious issues she's having with her kids. I had nothing profound to say, I just listened. At the end of our conversation she said, "Wow, I feel so much better now. You didn't even say anything to me but I feel like I can see things better." In fact, she pointed out a few times that I really hadn't told her anything of importance, but apparently my willingness to listen helped her work it out for herself! 

Take whatever gifts you have and use them to nurture your friendships.

5 Great Gifts to Bring

1. Do you have a sense of humor? I think every tribe needs someone who can crack a good joke at just the right moment. It can bring brevity to a tense situation or it can just keep things lighthearted while you're kicking back and having a drink. A person with good timing and a witty repertoire is a great gift.

2. Are you a good outing organizer? Every group needs that one mom who is willing to make the plans. How many times do we all say, "Oh we should have a moms' night out" and then NEVER do it? All the time, right? If there's one person who is willing to make it happen, your tribe will thrive.

3. Is compassion your strong point? Having the ability to show compassion is an amazing gift that can benefit so many. People will be naturally drawn to you when things aren't going well, or when they need someone to make them feel better. This person is an important one to have around.

4. Maybe you're the party person? Don't we all know that one person who is guaranteed to bring a good time to any gathering? Their positive disposition and willingness to get crazy, in the appropriate setting of course, is a huge asset and a lot of fun.

5. Do you like to cook or bake or bring flowers? Bring the gift of good food and pretty treats to your tribe. Someone having a baby? Bring a dinner. Sick member of the family? Give them some flowers. A friend having a bad day? How about one of your wonderful baked goods to put a smile on her face. 

What if I'm Still Not Sure

I'll say it again, God has endowed each of us with some amazing gifts that He wants us to share with those closest to us. Take the time to nurture your friendships by using your gifts. You and your friends will benefit for years to come.

Need more help? Why not read a book about friendship to help you develop your gifts? A good "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book is always a good read and it will give you many examples of what other people look for in a good friend.

If you still feel like you're not sure what your gifts are, go to Adoration and talk to Jesus. He'll be sure to point them out to you, and He'll probably give you some great opportunities to use them.

If you missed it, here are Part I and Part II of this series.

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